PhotoStash Instructions Courtesy of
Dec 18 2004


From time to time people have trouble posting pictures to the photostash and/or getting the pictures attached to their post.

What follows is my humble attempt at 'Photo Stash for Dummys' :) Smile Please refrain from posting a reply until I get all 11 steps posted...

Step 1: log into the Photo Stash

Once logged in you should see this screen. click on [Add Photo]


The next screen allows you to upload a photo. Click [Browse]

This will open the open file dialog which allows you to choose a photo to upload. Click in the photo you want to upload.

Once you have clicked on the photo the browser will retun to this screen with the path to your photo filled in. Click in the Caption box and add your description. Then click [Add]




If you choose a photo that is too large you will get this. Click [Browse] again and choose a smaller photo.

If your photo uploaded correctly you will get this screen, click [Ok]

You will be returned to the main Photo Stash page with a list of your photos displayed. Click on one of the photos.






Clicking on one of the photos will bring up this page. Notice that I have highlighted the link in the location bar. Once this is highlighted you can press Control-C to copy the link, then close the window.




Now lets go on to part 2, where we will post the picture