Submission of Stories!

One of the things that we all enjoy are other Valk owners stories of their favorite ride, charity event, or just talking about how they feel when riding a back road on their Valkyrie. The following sections provide you with the steps necessary to submit content.

Selection Criteria

Although we don't want to start a big debate, we do need some general guidelines for what we will accept in print for the site. Generally, the story must:

(1) Pertain to your experience riding your Valkyrie in (a) everyday riding, (b) a special Indiana Chapter event, (c) another event you attend representing the Valkyrie group, (d) or your personal story on how you bought, or upgraded, or customized your bike.

(2) The best stories tend to be at least a few paragraphs to a page or two long. Do not worry about writing a long story, we can break-up the story into multiple pages if that becomes necessary.

(3) The best stories also use one or more pictures, although this is not a requirement. By including photographs or videos, you share more of the experience with our Indiana group and help them visualize the experience(s) you are sharing.

(4) Please, no rough language.

Remember, that these are general guidelines and if you feel that these are too restrictive, please email either Paul Weber or Scott Townsend and we will be happy to discuss your ideas. Again, the goal is to provide some shape to our site without squelching creativty and fun!

How to Submit a Story

That's simple! Just go to the contact us page, click on either Paul Weber or Scott Townsend's picture and write your story in the email that pops up. Or if you have already written the story in Microsoft Word or other software package (WordPad, NotePad, etc.) then attach the Word document to the email and we can open it on our side.

Editorial License

As a general rule, we will review the story that you have submitted and run it through a spell checker, although there a never a guarentees it will get it right either :) We also reserve the right to slighly modify the story to make it flow better. We will also reserve the right to add hyperlinks to other content on our site, or another site if we believe it brings value to the site in general. For example, if you share in your story on how your new Avons stick to the ground like nothing you've ever had before, we may include a link to reviews of Avon tires, or to their corporate web site for more information. As a rule, we will never alter the substance of your post, just help it along if needed.

Timing of Reviewing and Posting Content

This is a volunteer site so we will need at couple days to get stuff turned around. As a general rule, please allow five (5) working days to review, spell check, do lite editorial work, and get it posted and linked to other content on the site.

If you have further questions about content, please contact us.

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