
Featured Photos

Send us your pics!

We need your help!

The VRCC Staff makes an effort to feature our member's Valkyrie pics on our website. We've made a change from photo of the day, to a monthly feature of 20 or more pictures that will be displayed dynamically in a random format. Each month we will add a new group of pictures. Though it only takes a few minutes to make the necessary website changes to display the pics, it can be time consuming to come up with a pic worthy of our "Featured Photos"! This is where you come in. We would love it if you would send us your favorite pics! The more pics we have to choose from, the better photo of the day will be. It will also give you a chance to be featured on our homepage!


When you send in your pics keep the following things in mind.

  • Picture Size: at least 640x480
  • No blurry or out of focus pictures
  • Well framed shot(bike centered in pic)
  • No background clutter(messy garage for example)
Now, go dig up those pictures and send them in!

Photo of the day Archives