July 23 - 27
Zanesville, OH

 Register Here

CAT Specialties will be underwriting the event.

Ground Zero: Holiday Inn (#740-453-0771). $82 per night; refer to VRCC for this rate.
Additional Lodging: Red Roof Inn (#740-453-6300). 2 people
 1 person
$54 (refer to block #B508VRCC for these rates).
Registration Fee:
As a side note, we want the integrity of the VRCC to be above reproach. This event (and all future VRCC events) will be run "open book." Ragnar, the new VRCC Event Treasurer, will maintain an accounting of all income, expenses and donations.

2002 InZane Home Page

2004 Insane Location Suggestion Page
(If We Come to Your City, You'll Be Insane by the Time We Leave)

VRCC Home Page

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